抗击疫情,THE BRIDGE廊桥在行动!
Business as usual
连日来,新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情牵动人心,THE BRIDGE廊桥时刻关注疫情发展,高度重视疫情防控,坚决落实党中央、国务院的决策部署,上下齐动员,采取各种应对措施阻断疫情传播。
THE BRIDGE is monitoring the ongoing outbreak of novel coronavirus and is implementing countermeasures in accordance with national and city-level directives to prevent the spread of infection.
在保证餐厅正常运营的同时,为了广大消费者的健康安全,THE BRIDGE廊桥做出如下应对措施:
For the health and safety of our staff and guests, we are taking the following steps:
1. 我们全面加强公共区域清洁与消毒的力度和频次,最大程度保证客人就餐环境安全。
We have increased the frequency and intensity of the disinfection of public areas.
2. 加强对现场服务人员体温测试及防护。
We are frequently taking the temperature of all of our staff members.
3. 餐厅为顾客配备疫情防护用品,并提醒客人餐前洗手。
We have prepared protective supplies for guests and will remind them to wash their hands before eating.
4. 本店员工全部佩戴口罩上岗,以保障顾客及餐厅工作人员的健康和安全。
We have prepared protective supplies for guests and will remind them to wash their hands before eating.
5. 当天所使用的餐具均经过反复消毒,店内新风系统全天开启。
All tableware is sterilised on a daily basis and our air filtration system has been checked and is fully operational.
营业时间 Operation Time
午餐 Lunch:
周二至周日 Tue. - Sun. 11:30-14:00
晚餐 Dinner:
周一至周日 Mon. - Sun. 17:30-21:30
病毒无情人有情,本来为了迎接春节旅游大军,餐厅按照每天接待200人数准备了大量蔬菜。前几日,THE BRIDGE廊桥将这些新鲜蔬菜全部打包消毒好,免费送给了我们的客人和朋友们,让大家可以安心度过居家时光。
Having anticipated a large number of guests during the holiday season, THE BRIDGE has since packed and sterilised our excess fresh produce and sent it to guests and friends with our Spring Festival wishes.
THE BRIDGE廊桥的工作人员为大家打包新鲜蔬菜
Packed and sterilised fresh produce and sent it to guests and friends
愿您在家中也能享用THE BRIDGE廊桥美味
Enjoy THE BRIDGE at Home
在您陪伴家人的同时,THE BRIDGE廊桥更推出家宴送餐服务,让您足不出户即可享用我们为您准备的美食,详情可致电餐厅了解。
THE BRIDGE is also offering delivery services so that you can enjoy delicious food at home with friends and family. Please contact us at the restaurant for more details.
预订电话 Reservation Tel:
+86 28 8444 3888
+86 28 8444 6888
Feast of Fire event postponed
为减少人员聚集,THE BRIDGE廊桥经过慎重考量,将开年重磅晚宴,原定于2020年2月10日及11日举办的“燚”——THE BRIDGE廊桥 X ICHIMATSU市松晚宴,延期至2020年4月9日及10日。为您带来的不便,我们深表歉意,已经预订的客人可致电餐厅调整用餐时间。
In light of the ongoing situation, the “Feast of Fire” event, a collaboration between THE BRIDGE and Japanese Michelin-starred restaurant ICHIMATSU, has been rescheduled from 10-11 February 2020 to 9-10 April 2020. Please contact us if you have already made a reservation.
延伸阅读 Further Reading:
A New Exploration of Sichuan Cuisine to Open the Year of 2020!
"江振诚 X 竹田英人"双厨神用火焰谱写2020料理新传奇!
Playing with Fire: Creating a New Legend of Sichuan-Japanese Cuisine!
我们将持续关注疫情发展,做好应对措施,更多消息请关注THE BRIDGE廊桥官方微信最新推送。感谢您的理解与支持!
Thank you for your understanding in this difficult time. Please follow our official WeChat account for updates. In the meantime, our team wishes you a healthy and happy new year!
「THE BRIDGE廊桥」是由世界名厨江振诚先生在中国大陆打造的第一家餐厅作品,于2017年12月29日在成都开业。THE BRIDGE廊桥位于复建后的安顺廊桥之上,千年合江亭之旁,地理位置得天独厚,世间罕有。管理团队为了让食客们拥有更加极致且独一无二的饮食体验,对其前身廊桥餐厅进行了全面的改造升级:特别邀请了在国际获奖无数的知名设计研究室,在保留传统建筑的结构和屋顶轮廓的原则下,设计并重塑了餐厅整体空间构造和内外装潢。于此同时,THE BRIDGE廊桥与全球最受瞩目的华人名厨江振诚(André Chiang)合作,奉上川菜国际化的具象演绎——“岁时料理”,通过江振诚对川菜的全新解读,书写川菜进化的另一种可能,餐厅拥有270个坐席,旨在打造世界级的美食地标。
Officially opened on 29 December 2017, THE BRIDGE is the first restaurant project in China from renowned Chinese chef Andre Chiang.
THE BRIDGE is located at Anshun Bridge, one of Chengdu’s most important historic landmarks. Hundreds of years later, THE BRIDGE is a symbol of the dramatic changes witnessed by Chengdu over the years.
In order to transform this historic landmark into a unique culinary destination, the founders of THE BRIDGE engaged award-winning international design studio to recreate the interior environment. Seating 270 guests over two floors, THE BRIDGE is also delighted to cooperate with renowned Chinese chef Andre Chiang to create an international and interpretation of Sichuan cuisine.
订位电话 Tel:
+86 28 8444 3888
+86 28 8444 6888
订位邮箱 E-mail:reservation@thebridge.com.cn
地址 Address: